Check out what the Newcastle City Council have to say about CityServe:
“For 2014, the CityServe initiative has announced a full diary of volunteer service projects aimed at transforming Newcastle during the month of October.
This year’s projects will improve areas right across the Newcastle local government area, with projects chosen in each ward of the city. Most projects will target public facilities on parklands, with volunteer teams cleaning, repairing and sprucing up shade shelters, pavilions, ticket boxes, toilet blocks and storage sheds at parks, reserves and ovals.
More information and a 2014 CityServe project locations map is available on The City of Newcastle’s website.
The City of Newcastle will scope needed works on the parkland facilities and undertake preparatory work prior to the CityServe volunteers starting their projects. CityServe is seeking help from all volunteers and particularly those with painting or construction experience. Volunteers must be over the age of 18.
To get behind this worthy cause that benefits the whole Newcastle community, register to volunteer at”
We are so thankful for the support of The City of Newcastle. Without this support, CityServe would not be the thriving community of volunteers it is today.
If this has inspired you to give us some of your time to give back to so much of the community, please don’t hesitate to volunteer today.