A collaboration of Shellharbour churches, council, business and the community working together to transform our city through service. Our mission is to bring together a group of volunteers from local churches to do work for community, especially (but not limited to) public spaces. This is a unique collaborative approach linking church, business, council and community to serve the city and region.
Inspired by the incredible work being done in Newcastle, we have gathered together to create positive transformation in our city. CityServe provides an outlet for people to give back and serve their community.
Thank you to Shellharbour City Council for their amazing support of CityServe.
Join us today!
2017 Completed Projects
SACYA – Shellharbour Aboriginal Community Youth Association
Address: Oakleigh Park Hall, Warilla
Date: 1st April
The Shellharbour Aboriginal Community Youth Association (SACYA) provides education and lifestyle guidance, as well as advice on matters like health, safe sex and domestic violence, to members of the Aboriginal community between 12 and 24 years of age.
Scope of works:
- Creating a multi-use environment suitable for after school care
- Generation of gardens and mulching the surrounding areas
- Clean gutters on SACYA building and raise gutter outside main entrance
- Paint SACYA building woodland grey
- Paint cricket club seating and posts
- Paint swings and re-mulch (stump-grinding may be required)
- Install subsoils and excavate a wide, flat swale (allowing access for cricket pitch roller) to drain SACYA building and carpark to stormwater pit outside cricket club
- Paint cricket club grandstand
- Stump grind tree roots around outside of cricket field
- Re-pour southern cricket pitch in nets
- Remove tennis court fences except for that fronting Shellharbour Road (pending confirmation with SACYA)
- Remove 3x power poles on eastern side of tennis court
- Place, level and compact roadbase on driveway